I cannot fully appreciate the sacrifices made by the parents of our US Army Soldiers. Mothers, especially, who send their children off to war and pray for their safe return ... have my undying gratitude, love, and prayers. With two young sons of my own, I can get an inkling of what it might be like, but really, I cannot know.
I have seen my husband's mother support him throughout his lifetime, including four years at West Point, and through sixteen years in the Army, including thirty or so months of combat deployment. She is a stalwart supporter and a sensational prayer warrior.
We are fortunate to live close to Family while we are stationed at Fort Hood. Both sides of our families are in Texas, with Hubby's parents living only an hour away. This affords us (and them!) with some priceless opportunities to spend time together more often than when we live several states (or continents) away. His Family is always supportive of us and our Army life and for that, we are extremely grateful. In this photo, Hubby presents yellow roses to his mom at his Change of Command reception.
I recently came across a song and video titled, "Letters from War" by Mark Schultz. Always a glutton for punishment, I clicked 'play' and sat back to listen and watch. The song is a moving tribute to the mothers of our Soldiers. I could see my mother-in-law in the care and devotion the on-screen mother showed for her son, far away at war. Writing, especially, is a gift of hers and she is a constant source of support for my husband, deployed or not, and for our Family.
I wanted to write this post to say a public "Thank You" to my Soldier's mom ... and to share this song with you. Please share with the mothers of your Soldiers and tell them thank you for their service and sacrifice.
Letters from War is a beautiful song by Mark Schultz and a loving tribute to mothers of Soldiers. Kleenex are required for this vieiwing ... don't say I didn't warn you!
Letters From War from Mark Schultz on Vimeo.
She walked to the mailbox
On that bright summer's day.
Found a letter from her son
In a war far away.
He spoke of the weather
And good friends that he'd made.
Said I'd been thinking 'bout dad
And the life that he had.
That's why I'm here today.
And then at the end, said
You are what I'm fighting for.
It was the first of his letters from war.
She started writing ...
You're good and you're brave.
What a father that you'll be someday!
Make it home.
Make it safe.
She wrote every night as she prayed.
Late in December
A day she'll not forget
Oh, her tears stained the paper
With every word that she read.
It said "I was up on a hill,
I was out there alone,
When the shots all rang out
And bombs were exploding,
And that's when I saw him
He came back for me.
And though he was captured,
A man set me free.
And that man was your son.
He asked me to write to you.
I told him I would, oh I swore."
It was the last of the letters from war.
And she prayed he was living
Kept on believing
And wrote every night just to say ...
You are good
And you're brave
What a father that you'll be someday!
Make it home.
Make it safe.
Still she kept writing each day.
Then two years later ...
Autumn leaves all around
A car pulled in the driveway
And she fell to the ground
And out stepped a captain
Where her boy used to stand.
He said "Mom, I'm following orders
From all of your letters
And I've come home again."
He ran in to hold her
And dropped all his bags on the floor
Holding all of her letters from war.
Make it home
Make it home
Make it home
Thank you to all mothers who have raised servicemembers. We appreciate you!
For information especially for our parents of Soldiers,

Thank you to Traci from "This Fabulous Army Life" for sharing her story and this moving tribute to mothers of Soldiers. We appreciate your willingness to share this with others! And a HUGE thank-you to our Soldiers' Families, epsecially those moms who give so much!
As an Army Mom of a Vet. and of a Reservist; The Mother-in-Law of a trooper deployed on his 3rd tour in Iraq and a Army Wife....
Thank You!
My Reservist will be deploying soon and all I can think of is this;
"God You gave him to me; I ask that you send him back home safely"
As Mom we know that our childern may not come back home; no-one truely knows our sacarfice and worry...Thank You for recognizing us.
Army Mom ... you have my eternal appreciation for your support of your servicemembers. You are truly heroic and I am so thankful for you and moms like you! ~ Traci
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